At the Crossroads MUX Wiki

Werewolves, alternatively known as lupine theriomorphs or lycanthropes, are animalistic shape-shifters, usually tied tied to the phases of the moon and often triggered by the full moon. We draw primarily on the following sources for our interpretations of werewolves: The BuffyverseReminder: The game does not treat every aspect of every source as canon, SupernaturalReminder: The game does not treat every aspect of every source as canon, and Teen WolfReminder: The game does not treat every aspect of every source as canon. (It should be noted that Teen Wolf is considered our primary canonical source for werewolves and other were-creatures.)

Particular strains of werewolf vary somewhat, but most are marked by several criteria. They must be born or turned by the bite of an "alpha" werewolf of their strain, they retain at least a measure of their enhanced physical characteristics and senses in their human forms, they have increased capacity for awareness and self-control during transformation and can learn to transform by will instead of only under a full moon (and can learn to resist that forced transformation). They tend to most easily attain the "wolfman" shape, though they often demonstrate the ability to learn other forms as well. Most stronger strains have no weakness to silver, though the weaker variety may usually be harmed by any form of silver weapon. Most werewolves can also be harmed or inhibited by mountain ash, also known as rowan wood, which is used in certain druidic warding rituals.


Some creatures that have been called "werewolves," such as HexenwolvesReminder: The game does not treat every aspect of every source as canon from The Dresden Files, are actually created via various forms of spell or curse. In some cases, those cursed may only be spirituallyReminder: The game does not treat every aspect of every source as canon affected, taking on animalistic traits without transforming.


Common werewolf beast-forms

Werewolves possess various special abilities based on their current form. Notably, with training many strains of werewolf are able to perform partial-shifts, such as manifesting claws or fangs while in human form.

Human Form[]

In human form, werewolves most commonly have some or all of the following abilities:

Wolf Form[]

In wolf form, werewolves most commonly have some or all of the following abilities:

"Wolfman" Form[]

In some cases, this form may also have head-to-toe fur. Usually, it resembles a somewhat more animalistic human shape. In man-wolf form, werewolves most commonly have some or all of the following abilities:

"Dire Wolf" Form[]

This shape consists of a massive wolf, considerably larger and more powerful than any wolf found in nature. In "dire wolf" form, werewolves most commonly have some or all of the following abilities:

Full "Man-Wolf" Form[]

This shape is a hybrid between wolf and human, generally bipedal and furred, and tends to be the most physically powerful of most werewolf shapes. In full "man-wolf" form, werewolves most commonly have some or all of the following abilities:

Special Gifts[]

Werewolves, like most creatures, can also have special gifts, whether fairly common or unique. Examples of common gifts are the ability to use druidic magic or sense and suppress the pain of another, while less common gifts might be, for instance, the ability to see with "spirit" or "alpha" vision to detect the aura of another. These gifts are at times common to a particular bloodline, but often as not they are defined by the individual. It can take special training and self-discovery to uncover such talents, however.

Signature Abilities[]

Generally, werewolves do not have any powers of "Supernatural" rating except for those granted by their shape-shifting. However, most of strong blood have the ability to develop a "signature" ability, which may be rated at up to "Supernatural" level. However, these signature gifts are all treated as unique--only one werewolf may have each ability. An example from Teen Wolf is helpful to illustrate this: Ethan and Aiden have the unique, shared ability that each can meld with the other into a single, larger being with much greater strength. As such, when in joined "wolfman" form, they operate at Supernatural-level strength.


Power of the Pack[]

Everyone has heard the phrase "strength in numbers." For this type of werewolf, the expression is quite literally true. After being accepted by the pack's alpha (or alphas, in unusual cases), a werewolf gets stronger, faster, and tougher than they would be as a lone wolf. The strength of this enhancement depends both on how many total members the pack has, as well as how close together the members are at a given time. The size of the pack also affects the pack's alpha, whose powers increase when they're leading or protecting their pack members. In practical terms, this usually does not increase the characters' power ratings to a higher level than is on their sheet, only pushing them higher within that range of ability, but in staff-approved circumstances, those powers may be elevated from Basic to Enhanced or Enhanced to Supernatural as befits the current plot or scene.


Bestial Rage[]

Werewolves are almost always creatures of profoundly strong passions, especially in their lupine shapes. As such, learning any measure of self-control, particularly while shifted, requires a great deal of mastery of self and the ability to channel those emotions into something they can control, often referred to as an "anchor."

Blood Lust[]

Certain sub-species of werewolf require a diet heavy on raw meat to survive, and in some cases they even develop a taste for human flesh. This has led to werewolves being more heavily hunted, and it can also make a werewolf who allows him- or herself to become addicted to particularly bloody feasts more inclined to take foolish risks in order to satisfy their appetites.

Lunar Cycle[]

Most werewolves are strongly linked to the phases of the moon, usually the full moon. The specific reaction varies from heightened aggression or exhilaration to forced transformation and berserker rage. Some werewolves, of course, may only be able to transform during the full moon, and others have learned to master their shifting under any lunar phase. Some werewolves may also be unable to shift or use their powers during a lunar eclipse.

Ritual Interference[]

Werewolves have been commonly shown to be vulnerable to Rowan charms, also known as mountain ash. It is an effective ward and weapon against most strains, whose powers depend upon magic. In addition, certain forms of moonstone can be utilized via ritual to temporarily suppress shifting, resulting in greatly increased bestial rage when the next shift occurs.


Many werewolves take more serious damage from silver weapons, though this is by no means universally true. Still, silver is widely reputed to harm werewolves, and it is certainly true that several strains of lycanthrope cannot easily heal injuries made by silver weapons.
