At the Crossroads MUX Wiki


Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital is the primary trauma center for all of Beacon County. An older building, it has been renovated many times and continues to offer state-of-the-art medical treatment.

Like all hospitals of its type, it is frequently busy with its share of accidents, violent incidents, and other emergency medical needs, which often leads to its medical staff being called in on very short notice. There are always extra shifts to pick up at Beacon Hills Memorial.

Thanks, however, to the unusual nature of the city, the hospital tends to be much, much busier than most on nights with a full moon.

Physical Description[]

Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital is in many ways unremarkable. A pale color palette of whites and grays dominates, from the waiting room that seems comfortable until one has to sit there for multiple hours on end, to the nurses' stations, to the ER, to the many similar, gleamingly polished corridors that connect the various labs, exam rooms, and patient care areas. Various areas of the hospital are partitioned off for operating rooms, diagnostic centers, and of course patient rooms. Those who notice such things may pick up on the tight efficiency of the place, however%; it seems that in Beacon Hills they run a tight ship, especially in the emergency room and trauma wards.
