At the Crossroads MUX Wiki
Role-Play Log

Social, Mystery,

Contagion Plot




Beacon Hills Pack



Eivor, "Trollabundin"


Malia and Lydia meet their futures selves. Future!Jackson, the Soos, and Future!Liam provide an escort.

May 28, 2022
Beacon Hills, The Nemeton

A little time has passed since the two Soos went to talk, and had their moment alone. Since then, Lydia and the Soo from the past have changed out their streetwear for something more practical, Soo's cotton candy waves pulled back into a tight braid, Lydia's in a knot at the nape of her neck. They're both dressed in black jackets, black denim jeans, and Lydia's wearing a pair of combat boots, while Soo has traded in his Chuck Taylors for a pair of jika tabi, shoes the Soo from the future has assured him help with running and maneuvering. The elder Soo goes to find Jackson to let him know they're ready. He hasn't bothered to braid his hair, or even pull it back, looking utterly self assured despite it.

Everyone else in the future may dress in lots of flannel and denim, but not Jackson! At least, not blue denim, because common and Jackson Whittemore have never gone well together. No, he has to find ways to distinguish himself and still look remotely stylish. It's not like the town really has a functioning economy anymore, so going on expeditions into the largely deserted shops usually nets some valuables. He even has a good reason for doing so, since the human refugees with them need new clothes from time to time, and they still haven't exhausted the supplies within the town's borders.

Jackson does wear heavy boots, though. With treads and all, probably to accomplish things he learned thanks to Soo's training and working with him. And his Soo? Totally traded off with skill training.

When Soo finds him, Jackson's very easily affectionate with him: a caress here, a touch there, but it's almost incidental with how casual it is. What exists between them is something that has been internalized and isn't easily put into simple terms. Nothing basic about these two. So it takes very little time for Jackson to accompany his Soo to the others. Seems like he's ready to go at a moment's notice.

"You ready to blow this popsicle stand? At least...for a few minutes?" Jackson grins, maybe a little of his past playfulness in his words.

The elder Park leads Jackson back to the group by the hand, not because Jackson needs to be directed, merely an absent gesture of affection. "I need to run." he murmurs, agreeably. Catching Malia's eye as he walks, he juts his chin toward the door. "You may want to come with us. Some things I need to clue you in on." He doesn't wait for the werecoyote to catch up, leading the way out the door and down the path toward the edge of the defenses, to the edge of the city.

"What else are you needing to fill us all in on?" Asks the younger Soo, his tone and body language more relaxed around his future self... though he keeps shooting glances at Jackson as they walk. He's worried about his Jackson, to be sure. But this one certainly is fascinating, too. Soo's always had a thing for older men, after all...

Rolling her eyes at Soo, Lydia is walking with him, arm in arm. "The city doesn't seem... very populated. Where is everyone?" she asks softly, glancing up at Jackson, concern plain on her features.

Malia'd been trying to take this all in, but the elder Soo specifically mentioning her was enough to pique her interest. And since her Soo and Lydia were going, joining then made it less weird. Probably. In any case, since others are asking the questions, she's more than willing to listen. That and take in answers through her senses since this new place is still so very strange. The mention of a run doesn't hurt either...She might not be able to keep up with either Soo, but it doesn't mean she won't try. And so, Malia goes, wondering what the less colorful werecat has to show her.

After the group gets into the outskirts of the forest, there are suddenly two large glowing blue eyes closish to the ground in the gloom. A moment later before anyone can get a good look at the form, Liam appears fully human and fully... bare though the gloom would hide his form from through with human vision. He makes a little nod of acknowledgement and even slight submission in Jackson's direction. "We were just out on patrol. I figured you'd be coming this way. All clear for the moment." He doesn't specify who 'we' is. He leans against the trunk of a tree eyes, still glowing faintly as his senses are on high alert.

Jackson nods once to Liam. He'd been expecting to be joined, although he doesn't explain this to anyone else. In his mind, either they'd have expected it too and know what they need to know...or they don't need to know, because it's (their future) pack business. Making sure Lydia and Soo can keep up, and keeping tabs on the rest with them, he continues along at a steady, but not too rushed, pace.

"At this point, probably either dead, running with the...things trying to steamroll the remains of the world, or bunking with us," Jackson answers Lydia. It's an unpleasant topic, but he's at the candid stage. Which means he's had a good amount of time to get used to the idea, apparently. This isn't a new thing.

And Liam doesn't have to explain the we, since a moment later, another pair of glowing eyes that are a very similar shade of blue appear in the gloom. Unlike Liam, this Malia doesn't shift back, she just trots into view and surveys the group. She inclines her snout ever so slighly towards Jackson and one of the Soos. The other Soo, Lydia, and her younger self make her tilt her head and narrow her eyes, giving her a very calculating expression for an animal. But then again, she isn't a normal animal, just like these aren't normal people. She'd been apprised of the situation thanks to Liam, so she's curious and had to see and smell it for herself. So, it's true. Interesting.

Malia catching her own scent is a strange thing, and she stares at her future furry self for a moment before giving a glance to the elder Soo. Things to clue her in on, indeed. However, she tries not to miss a beat since this clearly isn't the destination and she'll keep going, following the others' lead, her future self falling into step with the others as they head deeper into the woods.

When Liam shifts back, the elder Park quirks a smile. "I never get tired of that." he comments to no one in particular, boldly oggling the naked and angsty werewolf. He's released Jackson's hand, but is staying close. His expression is relaxed, but there's an air of lazy alertness to him, keen ears perked for any sound of danger. "Malia." he greets the coyote. "You remember younger me, Lydia and... um. Hopefully yourself."

"Oh, and that is a very naked puppy." Soo says, jerking his head back and up, clearly averting his gaze. It's not that Liam isn't cute, it's that he doesn't want to get back to his own timeline and have to explain to Liam exactly how ripped he is in the future. He finally settles his gaze on the coyote, eyes widening a little. "Nobody says how freaking terrifying they can be. Or pretty."

As Jackson explains things to Lydia... "... Oh. Well, that isn't even a little bleak and ominous. When we get home, remind me to fire my travel agent for arranging this vacation, Soo. We could have gone to Mexico." Lydia doesn't look away when Liam appears, though her attention is caught by the blue eyes again. For a second, it looks like she wants to reach out to Liam, but she doesn't. This isn't the place, the time, or the amount of clothing.

Jackson snorts a laugh, but he keeps moving. Can't linger too long, can't waste time. They have plans later in the day, and while he has nothing against their past selves...he is co-captain of this weird team. "Yeah, you don't wanna go to Mexico." Weird things happen in Mexico, to pack members, or so he's heard. "Come on, keep moving."

There is no sign of the former show off playful pup in this new Liam. He simply nods at Soo and, then takes a few steps, which might give anyone looking a bit more time to take in the whole package that is the older Liam, then he's shifting, but Not to a simple wolf. In his place is a rather large dire wolf who once again, bows and heads off at a surprising speed. Jackson and Soo would both know that he'll be keeping an eye on things, any danger that tries to come near them would have a very unpleasant suprise.

The coyote almost smirks at elder Soo, since well, yes she remembers. When the younger Soo comments, Malia bares her teeth. It'd almost be a grin if it wasn't so bleak. After that though, she takes off, keeping pace with Jackson as Liam moves ahead to scout. Her blue eyes continue to glow, since one can never be too careful.

The younger Malia actually has questions now, but again, not the time. At the mention of Mexico, she'll give the others an odd look, but she listens and continues. She'll move with the group, not ahead, and she even decides to more actively use her enchanced senses, her own eyes glowing an icy blue.

"We're walking, we're walking." ElderSoo once more, making tour guide hand gestures and walking backward. "To your left, you'll see ominous trees. To your right? Creepy trees. Directly behind me, you'll see a vague path that's about to fade out into a misty forest." His sense of humor may be a little darker, but Soo sees no point in abandoning his best coping mechanism just because all is lost. He twirls on a heel and seemingly disappears, leaping up into the trees to provide yet more cover, a different vantage. Occasionally, a branch sways, but the werecat is never visible as he stalks among the high branches.

"... I'm always that irritating, aren't I?" Soo asks Jackson, eyebrows raised a little. He's moving quietly through the underbrush, careful not to make much noise... but with Lydia around, he can't see the point in being totally silent.

She's trying. But the boots are heavy, and Lydia's more adept at moving through a school hallway or a shopping mall than the forest, at least silently. She keeps her balance and doesn't trip, but silence isn't the first thing on her mind. "Oh. Always. Frequently, more so. You're honestly lucky fur isn't in this season." She glances back to Malia, one eyebrow raised, then glancing in the direction of the coyote, as if to ask what that was about.

"Yep!" Jackson notes, though there's a playful tone to it that Soo will catch. But then Jackson flashes a grin in his direction. Just so he doesn't take it the wrong way, the way it wasn't meant. Things are...plainer, in the future, in their own ways. But in some ways, they're a little more comfortable. Tragedy and chaos would seem to bring out a variety of things in people.

Jackson keeps his senses keen, ears and eyes pricked for any sign of movement or any threat. But as they close on the Nemeton, he knows nothing would be stupid enough to get this close and be crazy. At least, not violent-crazy. Because the Lydia that's here is totally...well. They'll see.

The coyote seems to mostly ignore their banter, although her ears keep twiching, taking in the sounds. She's gotten used to Soo, or at least the Soo she's come to know, which, as both the younger Lydia and Soo point out can be just as irritating (and possibly endearing) as the young Soo. Good to know some things don't change too much, right?

Malia keeps going and when she catches Lydia's look, she gives her a genuine shrug, since well, she how's she suppposed to know? After a moment, she adds, "Looked like a smile. Had to be, since she didn't attack." Just speaking from experience there. She's still working on being reassuring and whatnots.

As they approach the Nemeton, the coyote gives Jackson a look before glancing back at the others. It's not meant to be ominous, but it could be read that way. She's certainly wondering how the fresh batch of people is going to take this. Only one way to find out...

An eerie melody carries long before the group reaches the Nemeton, carried on the mist. The words don't seem to make much sense, the snippets that can be picked out individually, but there's something to them. Fading in and out of the mist is a glimpse of red hair, here, and there, never quite in the same area twice, as if a figure is moving very swiftly... or the magic of the Nemeton is obscuring things and making them disjointed.

"Oh." Soo says softly. But the smile from Jackson... It gets a bit of a blush, and a widening smile back. He feels awkward around this Jackson. Of course, he feels awkward around his Jackson, too. The singing almost escapes his attention, but his brow furrows a bit. "That sounds like..."

"Me." Lydia murmurs, nodding. She doesn't sing much, especially not around other people, but the occasional lullaby when Soony got deaged certainly helped things calm down. "What... exactly... happened?" She squeezes Soo's hand, as much for her own comfort as to reassure him, her eyes finding Malia again.

The scent on the mist is Lydia's, but all wrong. Unwashed. Not unpleasantly so, but not so perfectly clean, with soft floral soaps and shampoos and mild perfumes, and cosmetics. Eventually, the mists part, and sitting on the stump of the Nemeton, back to the group, is Lydia Martin. She's dressed in multicolor rags, something that was once a beautiful autumn toned dress, and her once perfectly cared for curls are unkempt, sticks and leaves woven into them in an attempt at decoration. And it is, indeed, Lydia that is singing.

A profound sadness darkens Jackson's whole expression for a second, but then it's gone again and he's trying to smile a little bit. "Hey, beautiful." This is directed at the future Lydia, with her faded fine clothes and strange musical tones. There's...something there, but it's another thing that can't easily be put into words. He just moves to her side, slowly and carefully, and at first tentatively reaches out to adjust some of the sticks and leaves, then once he's sure she won't be panicked, gives them each a little adjustment. An affectionate gesture.

But he really can't be the one to explain. Not Jackson. Soo's the Mouth of the Pack.

Upon catching the sound and scent, Malia furrows her brow, looking more troubled than confused. She glances to Lydia and moves closer towards her and Soo. Just to be sure. And once she sees things, she's more than willing to hang back, since she has no idea what to do. This leads to her giving a very worried glance to her Lydia and Soo.

Meanwhile, the coyote continues forward, circling around the stump, letting Lydia see her before trotting up to her. With her tail lowered and her ears a bit flatter so that she's going for a distinctly non-aggressive posture, she leans forward and gives Lydia a few sniffs before licking her hands. Like Jackson's movements, it's an affectionate gesture, meant to reassure. She'll even linger long enough to be petted, but sometimes this Lydia is so far away, it doesn't happen. Regardless, after a few moments, the coyote looks to Jackson, nods to him, licks Lydia's hand once more, and then darts off into the trees. It's time for Lydia to eat again, so the coyote will go hunting. Besides, it'll be time for talking soon and she was never good at that.

Fading out of the trees, Soo steps up behind the other Soo and Lydia, his voice soft. "She's been like this since..." He gives a soft glance of warning, "She has good days. But mostly she just... guards the Nemeton. She won't leave. We physically carried her back into town, once. She didn't fight, but the moment we let our guard down, she was gone." He looks up at Jackson's face, and it's clear that his pain is as much for Jackson as it is for Lydia. "I lost all three of them that day, and only got one back."

"What's she singing?" Soo asks softly, glancing back to Lydia and the elder Soo, including Malia in the glance, though he's fairly certain she doesn't know, either.

"Sounds vaguely Gaelic." Lydia says softly, moving forward to approach the strange grouping. Her brow is furrowed, as she tries to place the words. It's like something she's heard once or twice, but can't really remember.

The Guardian of the Nemeton looks up when she feels Jackson's hand touch her. She almost flinches, but the gesture is stopped, controlled. The singing stops, and Lydia smiles slowly at him. "Jackson." Her voice is harsher, as if raw from screaming recently, but she reaches up to touch his cheek, sliding her hand down to place her thumb beneath his chin. The gesture seems to mean something to her, anyway, but then she's reaching for Malia's ears, giving them a firm scratching, as if only she knows where the itchiest spots reside, treating the werecoyote for all the world like she's a lapdog. "Who's a good Prada?" She asks softly, absently. That... is definitely not Prada. As Malia hurries off to hunt, Lydia pushes her way to her feet and turns. "We have friends, Jackson. Am I throwing a party? I used to throw the best parties... but now the only Croatoans show up. I don't like it when they show up." She moves forward, hands out, toward the small group. "The Nemeton and I were just having a conversation about how it feels to be chopped down."

Jackson smiles to Lydia when she recognizes him, because of course she does. He finishes with his arranging of the decorations, then he just leans down and kisses the top of her head, moving away while Soo -- his Soo, future Soo -- finishes the explanation.

There's no party. He doesn't want a party. Jackson looks a little sad at the mention, but mainly because it brings up memories that were once not so great...but now are at least better than everyday life. Lydia's legendary terrible parties would be a refreshing change, these days.

"They wanted to see you," Jackson tries to explain to this era's Lydia. "They're visiting from...graduation."

Three, that Soo said three. Malia counts two here. Who else does he mean? Malia is giving him a searching look. She figures Lydia or Soo will ask, but if they don't, she will. Then that Lydia calls her future self Prada... This causes Malia to just blink at the coyote in momentary disbelief, but the coyote ignores the look as she runs off to hunt. This is enough to cause Malia to discard her earlier plan to wait, since at this point, she'd like to know.

"What the hell happened?" After a slight pause, coupled with a deepening furrow of her brow (maybe it's a Hale thing), she adds, "Croatoans?" The first attack was before her time on two-legs and it's entirely possible she missed the explaination at the theater, if there was one. In any case, that word doesn't mean anything to her but it clearly means something to that Lydia. At this point, she is keeping very close to her Lydia and Soo, in a rather protective stance while she tries to keep the rest of her body language fairly neutral, outside of the confusion that is.

"Oh, a graduation party. Where did I leave the Wolfsbane?" She asks softly. "I have to make sure I don't spike the drinks." To be fair, Lydia only had the /one/ terrible party. Before that, they were amazing. And after that, she got her groove back. Somehow. But she's lost it again. And her marbles. "Why are there two Soos, and Malia..." She frowns, dropping her hands, her brow furrowing. To say she looks haggard is an understatement. Her red hair is streaked with strands of silver, and there are odd wrinkles along the bridge of her nose and forehead. The dark circles under her eyes are damn near permanent, and it's been years since she's worn any make up or exfoliated. "You." The Banshee disappears with a sudden shriek, and she's behind the other Lydia, spinning her about before her weight bears the girl to the ground, preternaturally strong, her eyes gone white. "You can stop it all. You can tell him!" The wildwoman shakes the teenager viciously, before she slaps her. "TELL HIM!!!"

The disappearing trick is certainly new, but Lydia has been studying hand to hand combat for months, now, and when her future self attacks, Lydia brings her arms up, not to defend herself, but to channel a concussive blast that sends the other Banshee stumbling back, dazed. For a second, there's sense in the wildwoman's eyes...

"Lydia!" The younger Soo shoves himself between the wildwoman and the girl on the ground, claws out, eyes glowing. He doesn't want to hurt this future Lydia, but... she's clearly unhinged.

"Claws." the Elder Soo warns, placing a calming hand on his younger self's shoulder, before he moves forward to take both of the dazed Guardian's hands. "She's seen a lot. I'm sorry. Normally she's not violent without... reason." He begins leading her back to the stump of the Nemeton. "Tell me, Lydia. About the Nemeton. How does it feel, being cut in half like that?" If anyone has an insight in how to talk to crazy, it's Soo...

Jackson moves quickly to help Soo separate the two. He figures past Lydia's Soo can comfort his own, with himself and his Soo helping Lydia back to her seat, being close and warm and affectionate to her, reassuring her with murmurs meant to soothe and encourage. She can talk about the Nemeton. That's always a sure subject she can speak of endlessly.

Jackson does give past Lydia and Soo a sort of apologetic expression though. This can't be easy for them. They've just grown used to it, here in this time and place.

At the mention of wolfsbane, Malia almost prickles. It's not like she currently has hackles, but if she did, they'd be raised. So, she's already a little on edge when crazy Lydia goes all crazy on her Lydia. Malia, like Soo, goes to move between the Lydias, but Soo was always faster than her so he is there before her. And then, in a moment, it seems to be over. Or at least the immediate danger has passed.

In any case, her claws didn't come out and she offers a hand down to Lydia, giving her a rather appreciative look since Malia approves of how Lydia reacted in the situation. Malia then gives the other Soo and Jackson a long look, really hoping that talk of the Nemeton answers her question, since at this point, seriously, what the hell happened?

"You know how it feels. It's dark and lonely and there are strange voices in the night. And he isn't here to protect the Nemeton." Lydia glances back at herself, the twigs rustling softly, before she draws her knees up to her chest and hugs them, turning her gaze down to Soo. "She's getting strong. Not strong enough. Not fast enough. But strong. The Nemeton approves... She smells like him. Just a little. Her hair. Her skin. Her lips."

Glancing up at Jackson, Soo cants his head, a few straight black strands falling across his eyes. Looking thoughtful, he pulls a small bag out of his pocket. "I found something for you, Lydia. We were out at the mall the other day, and we found you some pretty jewelry." He pulls a ring out of the bag, holding it up so that the diamond catches the light. If it's not real, it's an amazing fake. Not that diamonds are all that worthwhile in jewelry form, anymore. He hands it to Jackson, smiling, then looking to Lydia. She'll probably lose it in a few days, but it's something shiny, a distraction from the gloom she surrounds herself in.

"What the /hell/ was that." Soo whispers as he turns, looking to his Lydia and Malia, expression defensive and concerned... and worried. "What did she mean, tell him?" he asks a little louder, brows raising.

"... I think I know what she meant. Don't... I'm fine. Really. If she'd wanted to hurt me..." Lydia seems a little shaken, but... she needs to learn how that effect happened. That could be a game changer. Or a life saver. She approaches the Nemeton slowly, and the damaged reflection of herself there. Absently, she tucks the antique pendant beneath her shirt, not wanting to trigger painful memories as she approaches.

"That's the prettiest ring I think I've ever seen!" Jackson plays along with Soo, helping it onto Lydia's finger. That'll be a nice soothing thing. A familiar thing: pretty things like jewelry, even worthless as they really are in this day and age, are at least a stable point in Lydia's memory. Something she can find easily, a rock in the storm gripping this future. He's sure they'll find it after it was lost. They keep finding discarded, forgotten jewelry, especially around where the...touched Lydia lives. But it's always new when they clean it up a little and give it to her again.

After helping Lydia up, Malia glances over to Soo and mirrors his look, especially as Lydia goes to approach the Nemeton and her older and definitely crazier self. At least Lydia seems to know what she was talking about, but the rest of this, still no clue. If that Lydia weren't clearly touched, Malia'd be inclined to be a bit more forceful in asking for an explanation. Well, until she remembered doing that with a Banshee was a bad idea. Still, the softer approach is probably best in this situation. However, she's not inclined to let Lydia get too close without backup, so she takes a few silent steps forward, keeping close but not crowding those around the Nemeton. She and Soo can move without making much noise, so hopefully that'll reduce the chances of startling the wild Lydia.

"I'm still not marrying you." Lydia tells Jackson absently, as he slides the ring on. As she examines the ring, a smile spreads across her face, and she seems to relax a little. "I made some changes in the cottage." She says seriously. "The bathroom needed redecorating." Of course, the cottage doesn't have a bathroo-...

"... Oh. Okay. Do you want to invite our friends over? It'll be like old times." Soo is silently worried about the mess he may find, but whatever it is, it'll be worth it if it kept Lydia relaxed and calm for a little while.

"Croatoans are coming, don't really have time for a party." Lydia states, her expression growing grim, eyes unfocused. "Nemeton and I are redirecting them for a little while." a pause. "You should all go home. Prada will be back soon, and I think she's hungry." The mist is getting thicker again, as Lydia draws what little magic the Nemeton can offer her about her like a cloak, intending to misdirect the Croatoans, as she calls them, from her friends.

"What does she mean, 'Croatoans?'" Soo asks, remembering Malia asking earlier and getting no reply.

"If we don't go soon, we'll get caught up in the magic and never find our way home before dawn." the older Soo says softly, bringing Lydia's fingers to his lips with a gentle kiss. "We'll be back tomorrow, love. If you need anything, send Malia. She should be back with food soon."

"You're just going to leave her out here, with... things?" Lydia asks softly.

"Weren't you listening? The infected are coming, we have to go. She won't go with us, and I don't know if you're strong enough to fight off the infection, and sending you back to your time, infected, would be even worse a future than we have NOW." the elder Soo brushes a hand over Lydia's hair, glancing back to Jackson. "I'll be in the trees, love. Bring them up to date on... everything?" And then he's gone again.

Jackson nods to Soo, taking everything as incidentally as it comes. They've been through this dance countless times. They'll figure out what to do later, when they have the opportunity. And then, when it all has to end, Jackson pulls back from his Lydia and moves to the others. "We have to go," he calls to them, starting on his way. "Lydia...Lydia can take care of herself." It's been a hard thing to accept, but it is a fact of the time in which they live. Lydia is probably the safest one of all of them.

Once they're all moving, Jackson starts talking again when he figures everyone who needs to listen is listening. "The virus is called the Croatoan virus. It's a demon virus. Lance can exorcise the demon aspect, and from there it's bed rest and meds, if we can get 'em. Melissa's mostly in charge of that." He steps over a fallen log and looks back, in case he needs to help past Lydia over it. "That's why we're moving to secure Eichen House. It's a better care facility for the sick and the injured. Lance is run ragged with the survivors we already have. So's Melissa. And Stiles is all Captain Ahab. I mean..." He continues back leading the way. "Melissa may look like Poop Deck Pappy, but at least she's not gruff like a Brillo pad." And he doesn't say it, but he's thinking that of the two, Melissa would probably manage to wear facial hair better than Stiles, somehow. Because god, that boy and facial hair.

Malia tries not to look too confused at their talk, since well, it seems to be helping that Lydia, so she won't complain. Then that word comes up again: Croatoans. When the mist starts rolling in, Malia looks as if she wants to argue for just a moment before she takes in a deep breath and glances around. While she certainly now has plans to talk to her coyote self, even if that just results in them staring at one another, she agrees staying here is not a good idea. So, she nods to the elder Soo and Jackson, clearly in agreement. As she turns to go, she catches sight of the coyote returning, something in her mouth which she drops near the Nemeton stump. The two Malias exchange a silent look and yes, she'll defintely be coming back, but now is not the time to stay and chat, or stare as the case might be.

Malia turns and goes with Lydia, Soo, and Jackson, her eyes glowing once again. She stays close, ears pricked, both to listen for other sounds and to catch Jackson's explanation. Well, that doesn't sound good.
