At the Crossroads MUX Wiki
Role-Play Log





Angel Investigations




Faith and Angel watch Episode 1 of Star Wars. Jar Jar Binks inspires comparison to Xander Harris

Hyperion Hotel San Francisco

The Hyperion Hotel[]

The lights are on, illuminating the area.

The California-Spanish building known as the Hyperion Hotel was built in the 20s. Through the cast iron gates from the sidewalk is a small front courtyard with a rectangular fountain and a mythological figure holding a bowl from which water flows. Greenery frames the walls and a large set of glass double doors open into a high ceilinged lobby. Dark red carpet descends the four steps to the lobby floor and climb the two sets of stairways that lead to the second floor. The green marble floors are accented with wavy red inserts, as are the walls have a complimentary red border running their length. A set of doors identical to those of the entrance lead to a small enclosed garden.

Cream-colored pillars line two sides of the room, holding up the second-floor balconies that look out onto the lobby and creating arches. Underneath one of them is a large plate glass window that looks into the hotel office - now used as the office and nerve center of Angel Investigations. Nearby, there's a wraparound counter with dark wood paneling and a top the same color as the floor. Behind it are filing cabinets and a pair of desks pushed together. A navy blue circular couch harkening back to a 50s design sits near the back of the lobby. A large wooden, glass-doored cabinet pushed up against the wall holds a large assortment of weapons.

Outside, it's foggy and cool.

It's that time again. Time for Faith to drag Angel to ye olde TV and show him yet another movie. His cinematic education must continue, for as long as it needs to continue. Angel, taking his usual place on the sofa, asks, "What're we watching this time?" It's certain he won't have seen it before, after all.

Faith Lehane hrms, running through the menu. "Science fiction or fantasy?" she asks. She's in that kind of mood, apparently. Maybe it's time to properly introduce Angel to Star Wars. Even if he might end up wanting a lightsaber.

Angel, still sitting in his sofa, "'s up to you." Angel has to learm all this stuff anyway. So much to learn, now that he's bothering to try!

"Stiles introduced you to Star Wars, right, but have you seen more than one?" Faith's got something else as a backup if he has.

"He made me watch the 4th 5th and 6th epiodes. I'm told there's 3 more before that, and at least one more after that." So there's limits to what he's seen so far.

Faith Lehane hrms. "The first three are kind of awful, but if you watch them *knowing* they're kind of awful...we could do that or we could go to the other side and watch some Star Trek."

Angel thinks about it, "Well, Stiles wants me to keep training him on all these forms with the funny names...should probably finish educating myself about them."

Faith Lehane nods. "Star Wars 1 it is, then. Just try not to, laugh. It deserves it." Especially the pod racing scene. "And if you want to shoot Jar jar, you're not alone." She starts the movie.

"...Fair enough, it's not great cinema. Well, I'm supposed to be watching the fighting styles anyway. Hopefully that's at least decent..." He can hope. Otherwise Stiles is going to get himself killed.

"One of these days, we should watch something unashamedly bad, like Plan 9," Faith muses as she reaches for the bag of popcorn she made herself.

"Why not? Bad movies are movies too. Even if all you can do is laugh at them, laughing is surprisingly important. Especially in our line of work." Because there's too few opportunities to laugh when your job consists of trying to find lost mortals in a world full of things trying to eat them.

"Exactly. Something so bad it's funny." Faith relaxes on the sofa. "Something just ridiculous and over the top."

Angel is watching this movie...and so far it's not so bad...a couple of jedi seem to be negotiating something or other. "...Jedi were kind of rare in the original series. Seems there was a ton of them in the past."

Faith Lehane nods. "Yeah, they all got killed off." It's not a spoiler, he's seen the originals. "These are prequels, after all."

"I guess so. Something really bad must've happened to kill off so many good fighters. It's like, well, something happening to most of the Slayers Buffy brought into existence..." And that makes him worry. Could something happen to the Slayers like happened ot the Jedi here?

It's a risk, now Faith thinks about it. "Just watch the movie. If we learn something from it, all the better..."

Now that Angel managed to make a brooding and unsettling possible parallel, he finds himself morose. He'd probably be even more so when the most annoying thing in existence appears on the screen. "...When did Xander get a part in a movie?"

"What did Xander do to deserve being insulted?" Faith retorts.

Angel muttered, "He always annoyed me. To be fair, though, he isn't usually that bad..."

"He's not *that* annoying." With a rather-too-strong emphasis on the that.

Angel puts his hands up, "Okay, okay, that was beneath me. I shouldn't do that..." Besides, Jar Jar is quickly going off the charts on the annoying scale.

"Xander is not so annoying people invent theories that he's evil just so they can root against him," Faith muses. "Worst creative mistake *ever*."

"The last 3 movies were all so well done. I wonder what happend to the creator when he came up with this idea?" Maybe he did some illegal substances or something...

"He divorced his editor," Faith says, simply. "It wasn't clear at the time, but apparently he just couldn't...make a good movie without her."

Angel thinks about what he was like with his wife. And what he's like now. "...Marriage is a beautiful thing. Divorce is a terrible idea. Got it."

"Unless the marriage turns out to be terrible," Faith muses. "I mean, sometimes people marry the wrong person, after all."

"Sometimes. That's why you should spend a lot of time making sure of your decision before you go there." Angel seems to be talking mostly to himself, but he's confident his homework is done.

"I'm not saying I think that's you," Faith says, finally. "I don't. But I've also bumped into plenty of unhappily married folks."

"Yeah, well. Commitment is hard work. Even the strongest love can fade if you don't put more into it, every single day. Or night, as the case may be."

Faith Lehane nods. "That's true, but I still reckon quite a lot of them just made a bad choice in the first place..."

"I many of them were a bad decision, and how many of them would've been a great decision but failed due to bad communication and laziness..." No way to tell, really...

"And neither of us are marriage counselors, so..." Faith turns back to the movie, and winces.

"Fair enough. Getting one marriage right is all I really hope to do, on that topic." Meanwhile, kid Anakin is winning a pod race and then hitting on an older girl... "...Oooookay..."

"This is where it gets even *worse*," Faith grumbles. "On the topic of bad decisions."

"Well, a little kid winning a race is nice and all, but why do I have a REALLY bad feeling about him? ...Wait a minute. Anakin Skywalker? ...Oh no." And there's Qui Gonn, insisting on training him. "...Didn't think that through, did you Qui Gonn?"
