At the Crossroads MUX Wiki
Role-Play Log


The Key Plot




Dagon Sphere



Angel Investigations,Spring Court



"Reunited" - Peaches & Herb


After confronting Glory, Cordelia finds herself in much better company.

15 September 2016

Groo is in the throne room of the Pylean palace, surrounded by his nobles and courtiers. It has been a hard few months for him. At first things had been easy, he was doing what he was good at: fighting and forcing the remnants of the old religious order in line. Then he was making proclamations in The Blessed One's name. (Groo had stopped calling her 'The Cursed One' and forbade anyone else to.) Then he'd enforced those new rules by might of his own hand. However as more and more time passed without their Princess, the more resistance he faced. And as thinking went...more and more into matters he knew nothing about. Such as bureaucracy...

He's giving a speech to his nobles, a passionate speech: "She will return. Our beauteous most High Princess, who by the sheer force of her will and magnificence, have elevated the race of man, from being seen as cows and beasts, to being seen as the intelligent thinking beings that they are, has not abandoned us. She has duties to those who have blessed her, but she shall return with further guidance and orders for me, her unworthy servant, to carry out. She will teach us the ways of equality, and of these mysteries of art, and music. She is our Saviour from the Dark Times." He continues to grow impassioned and hadn't noticed how awed everyone had looked even from his first words.

Suddenly, at a surprisingly dramatic moment, Cordelia is just there. A kind of flash accompanies her arrival, but as absorbed in his speaking as Groo might be, he may well have missed it.

She looks around, not moving for a second, the Dagon Sphere in her hand still faintly glowing. The glow slowly fades as she turns her head, then turns fully around to look at the room and the people assembled there.

"I'm in Pylea? I here again?" Cordy frowns, lowering the hand with the sphere in it to cup the item with both hands, carefully. "Wait. Groo!" Immediately, she brightens up. Glancing around for a suitable surface where she can rest the artifact, she sets it down and almost leaps at him, flinging her arms around him. "Groo!"

The artifact is taken by a human servant. All the humans present are still servants, after all; it wasn't like they would suddenly become nobility. However, the scent of fear that had hung over the place was replaced by a floral scent of the flowers that Cordelia had enjoyed the most of her previous visit here, and all the humans were dressed better -- or at least not in the clothes of slaves -- they were now given wages and were provided with uniforms. It was far from a Utopia, but even a blind man could note the changes.

Groo hears that voice and picks her up, "You've returned, Most Blessed Princess." And carrying her as one would carry a bride across the threshold, he announces to the crowd, "I must go and confer with her Majesty." And she was carried into her royal chambers, which were surrounded with flowers and all the things she had enjoyed most about her last visit, including many shiny trinkets and baubles. "It is glorious to see you." He does look so relieved, as if a great burden has been lifted from his shoulders.

The carrying and the summary decision certainly surprises Cordy, but she doesn't protest. It's been a tense last few minutes, and she knows that no amount of rushing around urgently will help things at this point. So when she's conducted to the royal chambers, she gestures a bit towards a seat, so the burden of carrying her can subsequently be relieved too. "Thanks, just set me down there. Wow!"

Once she's sitting and resting a bit, Cordelia leans back in the seat and looks Groo over. "Wow. You're really working hard on everything. I mean...I knew you'd do what you could,!" There's a genuine surprise in what she's seen. It's not like the place was a ruin before or anything, but the improvement is noted. "Oh! I mean, if you weren't sure, it's great to see you too."

Her smile is not entirely innocent, but Groo of course knows that as well as anyone. Cordelia is not exactly the mistress of subtlety. But she soon shifts to a graver expression, her gaze troubled. "Groo, I can't stay." A sadness sounds in her tone, in every word. "I've got to get in touch with Leif. There's...oh, it's complicated." Pursing her lips, Cordy shakes her head and rests her hand on her forehead. "It's been...a little crazy since we left here. I mean, business as usual! I was fighting this ancient evil demon goddess and I ended up here. But now she's got Dawn." It occurs to her that Groo won't know her, so she continues quickly enough. "She's a friend of mine. The sister of a friend. It turns out, she's really important in prophecy. She's gonna die if I don't get to her, Groo..."

Cordelia casts her eyes downward. It may be to hide the tears that she fights, still unshed. If only she had been able to stop Glory! If only...

Groo knelt before his Queen, since they have of yet done nothing in his mind to elevate him beyond her lowly vassal. His smile begins to broaden as she says its good to see him, then darkens as he listens to this tale. He fingers a necklace that hadn't been there the last time she was here. "Slow down Cordelia, and explain everything to me?" He was now the strong Champion. Projecting an aura almost something that was familiar from Angel, but without the brooding tint of that most worthy vampire.

He listens and says, "I do not know of this Leif, however I am afraid that creating a portal to your world might be unwise if a Demon Goddess is there. Such old ones are dangerous and I would not wish to attract her here. I do not posses another way of bringing you home...there is this...this jewel would allow me to come to you, to any place or person that my heart has been touched by. But alas your brave companions did not touch me the way you did. And I haven't used it to see you because I would simply appear. And you talked of being much in the eyes of your people, and an 'Actress' and I didn't want to embarrass you by arriving at an inopportune time." He muses for a moment. "If however this Leif has a way to get you home, I feel honor bound to protect you and your world. I cannot denude the land of its guards, but I can however send a call out to all the worthy champions and heroes of this land who would go to battle to protect their Princess and her homeland. And I shall summon the others who wish to stay, so they they can ensure the safety of this land should this foul beast come to attack our home here while we're away."

Cordy looks up, eyes sparkling a little as they catch the light in movement. She takes a moment to breathe in, and her smile after is a genuine, gentle one of warmth and what joy she can afford amid the stress and struggle. "Groo, you're so sweet. You know you don't have to kneel. Come on."

Pushing up to her feet, she helps him to stand, though he probably doesn't need even the slightest assistance. "I can't ask you to do that. And I know that this place has already paid a pretty high cost, just to get rid of the old crew of assholes running it into the ground. Groo, I...might not come back from this. I had a vision, and in that vision, my world was destroyed. This is..."

Cordelia's voice catches in her throat, and she shakes her head, fighting to retain that smile and starting to tear up again. She looks lightly away and wipes her eyes with the back of her hand. There's a very quiet little shudder of breath, and she draws her lips in for a moment, forcing herself to swallow hard.

Then she raises her eyes back to Groo again. "This might be it, Groo," she murmurs. "I can't ask you to come along just so we can both turn into space dust or something."

Groo shakes his head, "You can not ask me to sit idly by. That is the one thing you can not ask. And you would be surprised, many great warriors and mystics of our land were in the Scum Pits and other places simply because of the whims of the Covenant. With all our great heroes free, and indebted to you for their freedom...there are not enough threats to fight. Please My Queen -- allow us to help you. At least if we can. If there is some manner those volunteers could come to your world. Surely you wouldn't have us sit by and wait for her to some here and decide that our world is a ripe target without our Blessed One to lead us."

Again he had no way to get there, and Cordelia hadn't yet introduced him to this "Leif". He was beginning to wonder if it was some magical tree or plant with the ability to bridge worlds.

Cordelia shakes her head too, reaching out her hand to bring it just before Groo's mouth, not quite brushing her fingertips over his lips. "I don't like the thought of putting you in danger," she quietly confesses. "I know you're dedicated, though. But I won't ask anyone else to do that. It wouldn't be right. Just...just give me that. Okay?"

She's really trying not to just start bursting into tears. It's one of the hardest things she's had to face, and given her past, that is saying something.

Groo looks into Cordelia's eyes. "I am a champion, My Princess. I cannot see your world in danger. If there is a way I can help I must. But as it is, neither of us can return to your world. Because I can't open a portal that may attract attention to this realm. It is one thing to risk my own life and to allow others to risk theirs in an ultimate challenge of strength. It is quite another to endanger even one person under my care." He caresses her hair gently and holds her. Unable to think or do anything else to console her, as offering to raise an army in her name seems to have only upset her further.

For that moment, Cordelia leans against Groo. It's enough to comfort her. She always did like the way his eyes looked, the way they never seemed to hold the slightest guile in them. For a short time, she stays silent in his embrace, just breathing. Then she jerks back, wide-eyed. "Right! Leif! I should get Leif's help."

She's still not quite used to the ring, but Cordy gives it her best, holding her hand up and trying to concentrate on a mental image of the scion. "Leif? Can you hear me? It's Cordelia. I'm...kind of in trouble, and I really need a friend's help right now."

Leif was there in an instant. Seconds later, quite literally. "There you are! Cordelia, it's bad. Angel and the others are on the way to....who is this?"

Granted things were serious, but there was someone with her, hugging her in a way that left him off the hook. Wait, they were in that means...

"Wait... Brant? You're the mighty Groosalugg? No way! It was just a few... years? Or whatever ago that we were picking the best willow berries for tea here, how have you been!" And Groo lights up and hugs the other man for a bit and they chat, like old friends.

Or rather Leif was Groo's imaginary friend back when it was a useless 'cow child' and had a name that meant less than nothing. Groo had been told over and over that there was no way a prince of the Fae would befriend him and he'd believed it eventually. For a moment everything was okay then Leif continued, "It's bad, Cordy. Angel and your team are already on the way to the outer gates. Apparently Dawn is the key to opening the door to well...beyond all worlds, it is so alien and so far away that Earth, Pylea, Hell, and even Faerie, are all the same in comparison. If she gets those doors open, all the world are in peril. The knights of Faerie and Hell are mustering together. The Witches' Council is mobilizing, even the wolf pack that guards the Nemeton is getting ready. All our allies are gathering."

Cordelia brightens up at the sight of Leif there. "Leif! This is...Groo..."

And they know each other. Or have known each other? Something like that, clearly. She listens to what Leif has to say -- the State of the Apocalypse, as it were. Breathing deeply, expression so serious, she remains silent for a little bit afterwards. It's almost visible that she's thinking deep thoughts. There's a storm of possibilities in her mind. But there's really only one solution. At least, there's only one thing that she can see herself doing during this, only one thing that she could potentially accomplish, to make a significant impact on the proceedings.

Her head has cleared. She's pushed back the upset and the self-blame and the strong emotions welling up within her. Finally, her lips part. Cordy looks to Groo, then to Leif, and smiles just a little again. "Let's rescue Dawn, boys."

Groo looks Pleadingly at Cordelia obviously ready to take no for an answer, but hoping, "If all worlds are in danger. Then I must.... I mean may I please, Your Majesty? May I muster up the hardiest of Champions, those who are Chanted about in the halls of Drinks and Chants. Those two wish nothing more than to fight for those weaker and who believe that dying in battle is the only good death? May I please lead a band of knights from our realm to protect it?" He was back on one knee. If both Hell and Faerie united, surely Pylea must join. "If the worthy Angel, and noble Leif, are not enough muscle to prevent these gates from opening, then my humble presence will likely not be enough. But should the gate open, perhaps we could help Stem the tides, until you with your brilliance and beauty discover some other way to defeat this foul nag who would call herself goddess."

Leif wisely said nothing while he would not turn down any help at this point he didn't want to intrude in matters that did not include the Spring Court. He did however touch his ring and call upon his court. To see if they would answer this need. He wanted to have a way they could help if it was possible, one that wouldn't endanger this realm which had long stayed neutral in otherworldly matters.

Cordelia opens her mouth to say something undoubtedly clever and probably with dangerously high levels of sass. She's getting her confidence back. She's ready now.

And she doesn't manage to form a single word before Groo's kneeling and pleading with her. He's pretty effective, too; she's definitely not immune to having her ego stroked, and especially in a moment like now, where she is in great need of it. It's a dire, bleak situation, and she's not looking forward to facing it, but if she doesn't...who will? She can't let Angel hog all the glory, and anyway...she's never going to have the opportunity to enjoy a morning coffee -- with sunlight -- with Angel, never going to be able to take that road trip with Faith, and never going to get to know Dawn better and help her know her place in the world...if there's no world for them to be in.

The possibilities that Groo introduces are not Cordelia's favorite things to think about. But at this point, it feels wrong to deny him. She can't assume they'll have enough of a force of arms there. "Okay, fine. But if you get yourself killed...I'm gonna kill ya." She tries to make the joke and reaches over to pat him on the side of the head. "Leif, I know the situation's complicated because of the court intrigue. Is there anything you can do? I'm sorry for asking. I know it puts you in a hard position, and I sincerely am sorry. But the world's going to end and my friends are going to die if we don't intervene."

The Elf tosses an intricate looking cube of vines leaves and flowers at Groo, " When you've mustered your troops plant this in soil, and a portal shall appear, It will be open for 5 minutes only and is one way. Know that we cannot guarantee the return passage, for this battle might be our last. But My court has sent out the call to all allies, and has answered your need. But for now my old friend. Your princess and I must away. I'm not sure where they are but I'll take us to Angel." He takes Cordy's hand and once she is ready follows his ring's guidance to find angel.

Groo once again kissed his Princess's hand and before she could change her mind was off, though he stops at the threshold "My Princess. If this battle is successful, I hope you will at least consider becoming our Queen, with me as your King." He bowed one last time then before she could truly react he was gone, yelling at the sages to use their magic contact every hero every champion, to summon the guard captains to they could be aware of what would happen if they fail. Forces must be mustered and the land must be secured. He'll think of the future if it happens.

Cordelia smiles to Groo, cheeks brightening, and impulsively throws her arms around Groo's shoulders, hugging him tight and engaging in a brief, though probably a little mind-blowing, kiss. If they might die, then why hold back? She always liked Groo. And perhaps, having thought about it a little bit, she looks over to Leif. "It's okay," she offers to him. "I think I understand. Hope I didn't make things weird for you."

When everyone prepares to be on their way, Cordy nods and starts off, then pauses. "Wait. I need the Dagon Sphere. The little thing I was carrying." She looks around, then heads back out to the throne room to look around and hopefully find that servant.

Leif stops her at the door pointing to the Orb that the servant had placed silently in her room on a soft pillow. It was waiting for her to take it back up and Leif, simply nods to her then holds out his ring and for the first time it emits a beam of light and he furrows his brow. "Something is very wrong. I've never known anything to Impede my travel, before, make me go around or change paths yes. This is different ... I believe something is very Wrong, And we Only have One chance at this.. Sorry Cordelia, I'm changing targets. If we can only find one then I'm taking us straight to Dawn. Maybe we're not too late." Normally his travel was walking a few feet down a tranquil forest path, but this was more like going 100 feet through a jungle during an earthquake. Something was making even the Ways unstable near their target.

"Oh! Thank you," Cordy addresses the servant, hurrying to pick up the sphere and go to Leif's side.

She stops there and watches the strange beam of light; she doesn't know how the ring works, but she's sure she's never seen that effect with Leif's magic or anything else he's done in her presence. So she listens, looking to him, and then after he's said his piece, she nods. "It's okay. That's what I wanted anyway. Groo!" She calls out, waving her free hand. "I'll see you after all this is over! Remember! Don't die and stuff!!"
